Wednesday, 30 July 2014

10th class New Syllabus - Project work tips

A detailed section set aside in the handbook for discussing various pedagogical aspects project work (see the Unit-III for details of project work). Evaluation of projects and awarding grades Any project involves both individual and group work; therefore, assessment has to take care of both. Let us see, what is the nature of work done by the individuals at various stages:

Individual Writing
1. The tools developed by the individual after the brain storming session
2. The data collected and how it is entered in the notebook
3. Individual report

- Individual Oral performance
- during the brain storming stages
- sharing in the group
- presentation of one part of the report

We can use indicators like the following for the written work
1. Tools: relevance, well-formed structures
2. Data collected: relevance of the data, comprehensiveness, well-formed structures
3. Report: the same indicators mentioned in the academic standards (appropriate title,
objective, scope, relevance- organization-analysis- using well-formed structures- using cohesive devices – coherence – reflections or point of view)

We can use indicators like the following of oral work
- ideas are conveyed
- properly articulated
- contextually relevant language used

The project work carries 6 marks for the written work (Preparation of tools 2M; Collection of data and analysis 2M; Report writing 2M) and 4 marks for the oral
presentation (Responses during the process and presentation of the report). Consider the indicators holistically and award marks accordingly.

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