Frequently Asked Questions
- When does the Registration for XAT 2015 Start?
- Registration for XAT 2015 starts on 12th August 2014 and ends on 22nd November 2014.
- What is the eligibility criteria for taking XAT 2015?
- Candidates who have completed Bachelor's degree of minimum three years duration or equivalent in any discipline from a recognized university from India/abroad are eligible to apply. Those completing their final examination by June 10, 2015 may also apply. Other XAT Associate Member Institutes may have a different date regarding the completion of the final examination.
- I am in the final year of my graduation, what percentage should I fill in the form?
- Please enter the aggregate percentage of marks obtained till the time of filling the form.
- By Registering and paying for XAT 2015, am I eligible for XLRI and other Associate Member Institutes?
- XAT is a common test for admission into academic programmes of XLRI and XAT Associate Member Institutes (refer XAT Associate Institutes in the home page). If you are interested in XLRI or any other XAT Associate Member Institutes, you need to register and apply separately for the academic programmes of XLRI or to the institutes of your choice.
- Till when can I change/request for a change in my test city?
- You can request for change in the test city up to 26th November 2014.
- When are XAT 2015 results out?
- Results will be available on the website by 31st January 2015.
- I have lost the XAT pay-in-slip which was stamped by IDBI bank.
- Go to the IDBI Bank Branch where you had made the payment for XAT along with a print out of the pay-in-slip. Request the branch to give you a photocopy of the pay-in-slip with bank's original seal and signature on it.
- When shall I receive the XAT 2015 Admit Card?
- You can download your admit card from our website any time during December 18, 2014 - December 31, 2014. XAT office will not be sending admit cards to any candidates.
- What is the duration of the test?
- The test will be of 3 hours i.e. from 10:30am to 01:30pm.
- What is the kind of Test and what are the different components?
- XAT 2015 will be on the similar pattern like last few years. It will have four sections (i) Verbal and Logical Ability (ii) Decision Making (iii) Quantitative Ability and Data Interpretation (iv) General Knowledge. The marks of General Knowledge will not be used for determining the percentile and cut off at first stage of selection. However it is used by XLRI and some othr Associate Member Institutes at the time of final selection
- Are there any restrictions on the file size for the photograph and signature?
- Yes, the file size of the photograph or the signature file should not be more than 50 KB each. For steps to reduce file size click here...
- When can I check & confirm my photo and signature before admit card is generated?
- On successfully making the payment and updating the same in your profile (in case of payment through Cash / Demand Draft mode), you are required to upload your recent passport size colour photograph (full height photographs/portions cut from group photographs etc. will not be accepted and the application summarily rejected) and your signature as per the instructions given on the relevant page and once you have uploaded them correctly, the page will display your photograph and signature.
- When can I check & confirm if XAT Office has received my XAT confirmation page?
- Candidates can log in through their XAT id to check if their form has been received or not by the XAT office.
- I have registered for XAT 2015 by making an online payment through credit card. Unfortunately after the payment I am unable to view the final confirmation and the system was not able to give the reference No. & a message is displayed as "PAGE EXPIRED", although the bank has confirmed the debit.
- This could be a temporary problem and will get resolved within 24-48 hours. Please wait for 24-48 hours and send a mail to only if you are still not able to view the final confirmation page. Please do not attempt to make a second payment immediately.
- I have paid twice using online payment option. What should I do?
- Kindly send an email to with your XAT ID, date of payment, card holders name and the credit/debit card details (first four & last four digits and card expiry date).
- What do I do if I am unable to make the payment online?
- Online payments involve multiple agencies and there are chances that your payment is timed out or declined. If you encounter any such problems, we suggest you make the payment by Cash Mode through any branch of IDBI Bank. Please read through theRegistration Process or Flow Chart
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