Saturday, 26 July 2014



Every year, All India Management Association conducts a management aptitude test through which it judges the capability of the aspirants who are interested to take up management programmes or MBA degree. The striking feature of MAT is that, it is held four times a year i.e. in February, May, September and December. The exam has its influence on India’s leading business schools that are renowned for imparting various post graduate programmes in the field of Business Administration. Colleges that utilize MAT score for admission are Alliance Business School, Institute of Business Management & Technology, Apex Institute of Management, Jaipuria Institute of Management Lucknow and many more.

MAT Registration / Application Form

Since 1998, AIMA has had successfully conducted MAT on national level. Ministry of Human Resource Department, Government of India has approved MAT as a national level test. Candidates who are willing to appear for MAT may either go with online mode or offline mode for application procedure. Aspirants can obtain the application form against cash payment of Rs,1200 from listed branches of Bank of Baroda, Axis Bank, listed Study Centers of AIMA OR from AIMA, New Delhi. In offline mode, candidates are required make crossed Demand Draft of Rs,1200 in the favor of All India Management Association, payable at Delhi. Online registration can also be done at the official website of AIMA with credit card payment. 
The last date for the sale of MAT’s application form is 14th January 2013, whereas the deadline to submit the same is 17th January 2013. 

MAT Exam Dates

MAT September 2014 Date:-
Paper Based Test Date:- 07 September 2014 (Sunday) (10.00am-12.30pm)

Computer Based Test Date:- 13 September 2014 (Saturday) onwards in different Time slots at specific test

MAT Syllabus
The exam will be the extracts from English, Mathematical skills and Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning and Indian & Global Environment. The syllabus for English covers Comprehension of Passage, Synonyms, Antonyms, Punctuation, Proverb, sentence correction; in short the relevant portion of grammar. For Mathematical skills; Geometry, Profit & Loss, Installment Payments, Partnerships, Ratios and Proportion are few prominent ones. As far as Data interpretation and Logical reasoning are concerned, it will be purely based on different types of graphs such as bar graphs, pie chart, Venn diagram, critical reasoning and visual reasoning.
It is an objective type test with multiple-choice answers.

Section - No of Questions - Time Suggested(Minutes)

Language Comprehension  - 40  Qs - 30 minutes

Mathematical Skills     - 40 Qs  - 40 minutes

Data Analysis and Sufficiency  - 40 Qs - 35 minutes

Intelligence and Critical Reasoning - 40 Qs  - 30 minutes

Indian and Global Environment - 40  Qs    - 15 minutes

Paper Pattern

Candidates can go with either paper based examination or computer based examination. In both the cases, the exam’s pattern will be objective type. 

MAT Preparation

The Aspirants must make sure that they have latest and approved study materials, covering entire syllabus of the exam. Make a time table and allot a specific duration to each subject; this will definitely help you in covering all the subjects. Revision is the word that is often used during exams; revise as much you can. Candidates attending coaching classes for the exam must ask their mentors in case of doubts. Try to do some mock test papers.  

MAT September 2014 Date:-

Last Date For sale of Forms  - 23 August  2014 (Saturday)

Last Date for submission of filled in Registration Forms at AIMA, New Delhi  - 25 August 2014 (Monday)

Last Date For Online Registration  - 23 August  2014 (Saturday)

Last Date for submission of filled in Online Registration Forms at AIMA, New Delhi  - 25 August 2014 (Monday)

Paper Based Test Date:- 07 September 2014 (Sunday) (10.00am-12.30pm)

Computer Based Test Date:- 13 September 2014 (Saturday) onwards in different Time slots at specific test
For more details Click Here

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