Sunday, 20 July 2014

Eamcet Counselling Procedure

EAMCET Counselling Procedure

EAMCET Counselling Stage 1: Registration for verification of candidates certificates.
1. Help line centre authorities will notify the registration details.
2. Rank card should be handed before you enter.
3. Have patience till your turn comes.
4. Collect receipt after paying registration and counseling fee upon the calling of your rank number.
5. Computer operator provides you the registration cum verification form at the counter.
6. Fill in the registration form with your details like rank, hall ticket no. etc and sign on it.
7. Your are almost done in the process of registration. Wait in the registration hall till you are called.
8. Certificates should be got verified at the verification counter as soon as your turn is called by the registration officer at the counter.
EAMCET Counselling Stage 2: Certificates Verification:
1. Check if the details like name, local area, category, date of birth are correct in the registration cum verification form.
2. Get it corrected by the verification officer in case of any mistake.
3. SC/ST/BC Candidates need to report to the caste verification officer and produce the original caste certificate for verification. After this process completes, make sure you are there at the certificate verification officer for affirmation of other certificates like rank card, marks memo, hall ticket, study and income certificates.
4. OC candidates can skip the above caste verification process and can approach the Certificate verification officer directly.
5. Your original certificates are scrutinized by the officers.
6. Any differences you come across in the print out of receipt of certificate given should be reported and get corrected by the chief verification officer. Also you should sign on it.
7. As soon as you enter the briefing hall you are given instructions for exercising the options.
EAMCET Counselling Stage 3: Exercising Options
1. This process includes the selection of courses and colleges and arranging them in the order of preference.
2. You have to get and keep with you the list of colleges and courses with their corresponding codes and manual and specimen option forms.
3. You are instructed by the officer in the briefing room about the process of exercising options and form filling.
EAMCET Counselling Stage 4: Home works for the exercising options.
1. You can discuss with your parents and friends as to the selection of colleges and courses you are interested in.
2. Option number, college and course codes that you are interested in should be mentioned in the manual option form. Exemplifying, one should write 1 under option number, JNTH under college code and CSE under course code if JNTU, Hyderabad College is opted. Write 2 under option number, JNTH under college and MECH under course code and HYD under district code if mechanical engineering is opted and given second preference. That means, you are allotted the MEC course if the CSE course seat is not available. One can write any number of options like this.
3. You should prompt computer operator to save the options regularly that you have entered or asked computer operator to enter on the screen.
4. Process of entering the options on the screen:
5. Certificate verification should be done in order to start this step.
6. Type in the URL www. or the one specified in the notification.
7. Options can be exercised only after the registration which is done by clicking on the Candidate Registration option. And further options are seen in the Login page by clicking on Candidate Login. All these details are present in the home page of the URL mentioned.
8. For using the Login option, Candidate has to fill up the Candidate registration form and thereby can exercise the options.
9. You will be provided with a password during the registration process with which you can exercise the further options.
10. Password is generated as soon as you enter your details like EAMCET H.T. No., Rank, Application No., Date of Birth and click on the appropriate button.
11. Registration process completes when you click the save button after selecting a password of six characters that at least contains one alphabet.
EAMCET Counselling Stage 5: Options
1. Options can be exercised once you log in with your password.
2. You should Sign in by giving the details of ICR No, Hall ticket no., date of birth and password.
3. Go through the instructions keenly. Check box should be selected after you go through the declaration. Explanation on various menu items can be had with a click on Help Screen.
4. After you digest the various options provided there, you can move to the page containing different check boxes for various districts by clicking on the link with the text Click here to Enter Options. This can be navigated even with a click on the link with the text Option Entry form.
5. If you want to see all the colleges across the state click on check all option or otherwise check the box with the district name, of which you wish to see the colleges.
6. Further options can be known by clicking on the Display Option Entry Form.
7. Three and half your courses are distinct with grey color from the creamy yellow colored three year Engineering and Non- engineering courses.
8. Option numbers should be entered by checking the pre filled Specimen option form.
9. Home work for entering such options should be done to avoid confusion and mistakes.
10. Save the options periodically. Three buttons with the options, Save and Logout, Confirm Logout and Cancel Logout are seen when select the Logout option.
11.Click on Confirm logout button displays the details of the selected options, click on Save and Logout button saves the exercised options while Cancel Logout displays the option entry form as it is.
12. Candidates can alter their options after verification by clicking on the button Login for Option Entry.
13. You will not have the chance of altering the options selected on the last day as the options will be locked in the server that day. You can change it as you like before the last date. But after the last day, you can only alter the options on the date scheduled for modification of options by consulting any of the help line centers. After that no one has the chance of changing the options since they are taken for the seat allotment. The entire thing you can do is to take a print out of the options that you have employed.
EAMCET Counselling Stage: 6: Seat allotment:
Merit and Category will be given preference in the seat allotment on the specified date. Once the seats are allotted, it will be displayed in the internet for the students to download. You cannot ask for a change since it is a final allotment.
EAMCET Counselling Stage: 7: Fee payment:
Help line centers and the websites will provide you the challans. Any branch Andhra Bank or Indian Bank will accept the fee remittance with the allotment order that is downloaded. Minority/PH/BC/ST/SC candidates whose parental income falls below one lakh rupees per annum are relieved from tuition fee and special fee.
EAMCET Counselling Stage: 8: College Reporting:
You should report to the specified college in the allotment within the given date along with the downloaded allotment order fee which in case on failure, will cost you the loss of claiming the allotment.

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