Thursday, 31 July 2014



 Registration Number:  
Qualifying Examination Hall Ticket No.:  
Note:- The candidates who have registered for BOTH (Engineering and Agriculture & Medical) have to download both the Hall Tickets separately by selecting the STREAM one after the other (i.e., one for Engineering and another one for Agriculture & Medical). CBSE CTET Sept Exam Notification 2014 Apply Online

CBSE CTET Sept Exam notification 2014. This test of February is finished. Candidates can now apply for the September 2014 month test. CBSE CTET informed all the details for this Eligibility test. By clearing the national level exam applicants shall be able to teach students which are associated with it. Aspirants need to know that some state also use this score to recruit the teachers. Online process is at present available now. Candidates shall be able to teach to students from 1 to 8th class. Candidates got option to apply by 4 of August for this Central Teacher eligibility test 2014. You need to complete the fee process by 6 of August 2014. You can do changes from 12 August. This will continue till 19th of the same month for this test of this organization. For this exam admit card is needed, you can get if from 22 of August 2014. All the details are updated at its official portal that is

Time table and paper information is also published by this board. Both papers shall be on 21 of September 2014. This score shall be also used for the NVS, KVS Etc schools. Institutions which are in various UT will also used this score. Fee for this CTET September Exam notification 2014 is six Hundred. For reserved aspirants it is 300. It shall be accepted by desired method only. Know the detailed eligibility criteria info which is published in the advertisement. Candidates shall be hire for primary and elementary stage. If the applicants want to take both papers then fee for this different. Know the details of the facilitation center. No need to send any Hard copy to this Board of secondary education.

CTET September Exam Notification 2014

Organization Website :
Organization Name : Central Board of Secondary Education
Name of the Test : Central Teachers Eligibility test.
Qualification : Senior secondary, Diploma, B.Ed, 
Job location : Across India
Last Date : 4 August 2014
Selection Criteria : By entrance examination.
How To Apply :
Candidates who wish to apply for this eligibility test need to use online application system. Last date is 4 August 2014.
Important Dates:
Last Date to apply : 4 August 2014
Date of Examination : 21 September 2014
Important Links :

Csir UGC Net Exam December 2014 Notified Apply Online

CSIR UGC NET Joint Exam notification 2014 for the JRF and Lecture. Aspirants shall be able to apply form 22 of July for this national test. Candidates need to given the fee by 12 of August. As per the information which is shared by this HRD group, examination shall be on 21 of December 2014. Applicants can apply by 13 of August for this Joint CSIR UGC NET notification 2014. Important dates are clearly are given for you about this examination. Applicant need to finish the process by 19 August 2014. For the remote areas it is different. Get these details from the advertisement. Last date to request for the change of examination is 24 of September. It shall be made on the merit basis only. E Admission certificate shall be issued in December month. The examination date which is informed for you many be changed. So you need to receive updates.

Results shall be in declared in March or in April 2014. Test shall be for subjects such as Engineering, Life Sciences. This score shall be valid for 2 Years and shall be used for the fellowship under of CSIR Scheme. Get detailed info about the Education qualification. Age criteria is only for the Junior research fellow. Examination shall be in two sessions. Examination shall at Hyderabad, Nagpur, Bangalore Etc locations which are in India. More information can be access only at There is also fee for this National Eligibility Test. Know details for each of the category.
CSIR UGC NET Exam Notification 2014
Organization Website :
Organization Name : Human Resource Development Group CSIR
Name of the Examination : National Eligibility Test.
Qualification : B.Tech, B.E, B.Pharma, BS, M.S, M.B.B.S, M.SC, B.SC
Age Limit : 28 Years
Application fee : For General 400, OBC 200, For others 100.
Last Date :19 August 2014.
Selection Criteria : By written test.
How To Apply :
Candidates who are interested need to register online as per the mentioned online system by 13 August 2014. Last date to register is Before 19 August 2014.
Important Dates:
Last Date to apply : 19 August 2014.
Important Links :


Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
Human Resource Development Group
(Extra Mural Research Division-I)
CSIR Complex, Library Avenue,
Pusa, New Delhi -110 012

(Advt No. 2014/I)


The Human Resource Development (HRD) Group of COUNCIL OF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL
RESEARCH (CSIR), New Delhi, provides opportunities to bright young men and women in the form of
Senior Research Fellowships (SRFs)/ SRF (Extended)/ Research Associateships (RAs) for training in
methods of research under the expert guidance of faculty members/scientists working in universities,
laboratories and institutes of Government Departments and recognised laboratories of industry in
various fields of science and technology.

Preference will be given to the research topics relevant to R&D programmes of CSIR Laboratories, in
the new and emerging fields of science and in the areas of importance for development of scientific
and technological capability of the country. The Fellowships/ Associateships are tenable in all the
universities and deemed universities/IITs/postgraduate colleges/government research establishments
including those of CSIR, R&D establishments of recognised public sector, industrial firms and other
recognised institutions. Only bonafide Indian citizens are eligible for the award. The award is for fixed
tenure and does not imply any assurance or guarantee for subsequent employment by CSIR to the
beneficiary. CSIR reserves the right to determine the place in India best suited to provide necessary
facilities in the areas of science in which the awardee is to specialize. Selected Fellows and
Associates will have to devote their full time to the approved research programmes. Fellows and
Associates are not permitted to take up any other remunerative jobs/assignments during their tenure.


MSc/BE/BTech or equivalent degree with at least 55% marks and one publication in SCI Journal and
should have completed at least two years of post MSc/BE/BTech research experience as on the last
date of application, as evidenced from fellowship/ associateship or from date of registration for Ph.D.
MTech/ME or equivalent degree in engineering/technology with at least 60% marks.
BE/BTech or equivalent degree with at least 60% marks and two years research experience as on the
last date of application.
MBBS/BDS or equivalent with at least 60% marks and one year internship.
BPharm/BVSc/BSc(Ag) or equivalent degree with at least 55% marks and one publication in SCI
Journal and should have completed at least three years research experience as on the last date of
application, evidenced from fellowship/associateship or from date of registration for Ph.D.
MPharm/MVSc/MSc(Ag) or equivalent degree with at least 55% marks and one publication in SCI
Journal and should have at least one year research experience as on the last date of application,
evidenced from fellowship / associateship or from date of registration for Ph.D.
Apply Online on or before 2
 September 2014
Only online applications followed by hard copy will be accepted.
Documents in support of research, teaching (not below the undergraduate level) experience
and Ph.D. registration should be attached.

Those who have been awarded PhD/MD/MS/MDS degree or have submitted their thesis for the award
of PhD/MD/MS/MDS degrees are not eligible for the position of SRF. Those who are eligible for RA
will not be considered for SRF.


These fellowships are held on a full time basis. Therefore simultaneous employment elsewhere
is not permitted. However, those desirous of pursuing higher studies, but employed presently,
whether temporary or permanent may apply with an undertaking that if selected, they will
resign from the job before taking up the fellowship. The application will be rejected if the
undertaking is not enclosed.


For Science disciplines: Rs. 18000/- per month for 1
st, 2nd
 and 3rd
 year. For Medical/Veterinary/
Pharmacy, Engineering and equivalent disciplines with PG degree: Rs. 18000/-p.m. for the 1st
 and 2nd

year and Rs. 20,000/-p.m. for the 3rd
 and 4th
 year. In addition, each SRF will receive a contingent grant
of a maximum Rs. 20,000/-p.a. The grant will be provided to the University/Institution with which the
SRF will be affiliated. SRFs will be given Rs. 3000/- (lump sum) extra on submission of Ph.D thesis in
e-form. For details regarding format, etc. of e-thesis please see CSIR’s Unit for R&D of Information
Products (URDIP) at

SRF will be tenable initially for a period of two years. The term is extendable by one year on the basis
of assessment of the progress already made. Those who have held or are holding equivalent
fellowships awarded under various schemes of all India grant giving agencies such as DST, DBT,
ICMR, UGC, ICAR etc. may apply subject to the condition that the total tenure inclusive of CSIR
fellowship shall not exceed three years. Those who have already availed, or would have availed
by 31st
 March 2015, equivalent fellowship etc. for 3 years need not apply. The combined tenure
of JRF, if any, and SRF will not exceed five years. SRF will be terminated from the date of PhD viva
voce or completion of tenure whichever is earlier. Those who are already holding equivalent fellowship
should specify the reason for applying. The application is likely to be rejected if the reason is not


All those candidates who have submitted their PhD/MD/MS/MDS thesis can apply under this category.
All such candidates must submit necessary documents issued by the University, as proof of their
having submitted the thesis. In the absence of such documents, application will be rejected. The
applicant must have at least one publication in standard refereed journal as listed in Journal Citation
Reports (JCR) etc. The selected candidates will be offered SRF (Ext) for one year only at a stipend of
Rs. 20,000/-p.m.
Candidates applying for SRF (Ext), who are expected to obtain PhD degree by the time of the date of
interview, may submit their research proposal as applicable to RA. Only those candidates, who bring
the proof of PhD degree at the time of interview, will be considered for RA. Candidate selected for
SRF(Extended) will not be automatically upgraded to RA.


1. The applicant should have a PhD before the last date of application (in a science or
engineering subject) or MD/MS/MDS (in medical science subject) or ME/MTech/
MPharm/MVSc with three years R&D experience as on the last date of application, evidenced
from fellowship or associateship or from date of registration of PhD.

2. The candidate must have at least one research publication in standard refereed journal as
listed in Journal Citation Reports (JCR), etc.
 Employed candidates, whether temporary or permanent, and also those who have already
availed higher fellowships like Senior Research Associateships etc. will not be considered for


The stipend of RA will be one of the following for the entire tenure:
Rs. 22,000/- p.m. (Fixed),
Rs. 23,000/-p.m. (Fixed),
Rs. 24,000/-p.m. (Fixed), as recommended by the selection committee.

In addition, each RA will receive a contingent grant of a maximum of Rs. 20,000/-p.a which will be
provided to the concerned University/Institution.


RA will be tenable initially for one year. It may be extended further annually at the discretion of CSIR
based on three members assessment committee report. The total tenure of RA is fixed for 3 years.
Those who have availed or are holding equivalent Associateships under various schemes of All-India
grant giving agencies such as DST, DBT, ICMR, UGC, ICAR etc. may apply subject to the condition
that the total tenure of RA including that of CSIR shall not exceed three years.
Those who have already availed equivalent grant of any kind for three years need not apply.


Senior Research Fellow : Maximum 32 years as on the last date of application.
SRF Extended : Maximum 33 years as on the last date of application.
Research Associate : Maximum 35 years as on the last date of application.

Age limit is relaxable by five years for SC, ST, OBCs and physically handicapped on production of
suitable certificates from the competent authority. Women candidates are also given age relaxation of
five years.


Selection will be made through interview of candidates short-listed on the basis of their academic
records, experience and assessment of research work already carried out and published by the
candidates, by discipline-wise high level expert committees. The SC/ST candidates called for interview
will be paid single second class rail fare /bus to and fro by the shortest route from the station
mentioned in the address for correspondence given in the online application from (within India) to
place of interview on production of documentary proof as per rule in force. Merely fulfilling of the
essential qualifications will not entitle a candidate for being called for interview. CSIR reserves
the right to call or not to call a candidate for interview.


Only those candidates desirous of working on one of the following broad topics may apply
under the Code STS 71:

 R & D Management (Planning, Priorities, Evaluation, Social and Economic Impact, etc.)
 Intellectual Property laws, Policies, Management and evaluation, etc
 Technology forecasting, Assessment and Management;
 Policies, Programmes, and approaches for innovation policies, promotion instruments and
 S & T Policies, Programmes and interface with global economic agenda.
 S & T interface with Society, Polity and Production sectors.
 Studies on Technological Change in the Production Sectors.
 Studies on mobility of S & T professionals: Demands, Trends, Impact, etc.
 Studies on International competitiveness of Indian S & T.  Societal impact in the open economy era.
Subject code should be carefully selected (given in Appendix I) and it should be directly related to past
education & experience and future area of study. Identification of irrelevant code or code not matching
with the proposed topic of research may lead to rejection of the application.

Candidates applying under this code should have essential qualification as applicable to other codes
with an exception that degree at the master level can also be in management, social sciences,
commerce, etc.


The objective of fellowship in Trans disciplinary area is to encourage research in new and emerging
areas where boundaries between disciplines are transcended and knowledge and perspectives from
different disciplines are integrated.

Trans disciplinary research brings together two or more disciplines to generate new knowledge
through collaborations outside the limits of one’s own discipline.
Application received under this code and not having any Trans disciplinary component in the proposed
topic of research may lead to rejection of the application.

Candidates applying under this code should have essential qualification as applicable to other


The candidates should carefully read these instructions before submitting their applications:

i. A candidate can apply in only one subject code. Code number of the subject should be
carefully selected (given in Appendix I) and indicated against the appropriate column. It
should be directly related to past education and experience and future area of study.
Identification of irrelevant code or code not matching with the proposed topic of
research may lead to rejection of the application. No change of code would be
ii. Details from the time of obtaining the qualifying degree till the last date of application should be
mentioned clearly in column 18 of application form. Unaccounted period, if any, may lead to
iii. All the necessary documents i.e. office orders in support of the research experience mentioned in
column 18 of application form and proof of PhD registration should be attached, otherwise
application will be rejected. No testimonial will be accepted as proof of research experience.
iv. Candidates should be prepared to produce original certificate, PhD registration, research
experience (office orders), reprints & letter(s) of acceptance about papers under publication,
NET, GATE certificate at the time of interview and later when required.
v. Applications will be processed on the basis of information provided in the online
application. (If the information given in the application form does not match with the originals
at the time of verification of documents, the candidate may not be allowed to appear for
interview). Applications/ documents received after the last date will not be entertained.
vi. Those who have already applied three times and not called or selected need not to apply.
vii. Date of interview will not be changed on request from candidates.
viii. Misrepresentation or hiding of facts shall lead to disqualification.
ix. Every effort is made by CSIR to have committees with wide-ranging expertise, therefore,
complaints of rejection on this account will not be entertained by CSIR after the interviews.
x. Decision of CSIR on all matters including calling for interview, selection, recommendation and
placement etc. shall be final. No correspondence in the matter will be entertained. xi. Canvassing if any form will be a disqualification. No interim enquiries will be attended to.
xii. The candidates are advised in their own interest to apply early enough to ensure timely receipt
of their application by the CSIR on or before the closing date.


Candidates after successfully submitting application online are required to take print out of the
Application Form and paste his/her recent photograph in the space provided and send (as the
topmost page) along with the following documents to Scientist-In-Charge, EMR-I, Human
Resource Development Group, CSIR Complex, Library Avenue, Pusa, New Delhi 110 012,
so as to reach latest by September 8th
 , 2014 :

(i) Detail description of proposed research topics giving an outline of the problem (about
1000 words) to be addressed, its importance, objective(s), technical programme and
year wise plan of work.
(ii) Attested copies of school leaving certificate, degrees, marksheets, Proof of PhD
registration, Proof of PhD Submission (for SRF Extended), NET, GATE, etc.
(iii) Attested copies of documents in support of research experience. Only office orders will
be accepted as proof of experience. Testimonials will not be accepted for this purpose.
(iv) Attested copies of research papers published, accepted for publication.
(v) Testimonial from Guide/ Supervisor.
(vi) Undertaking to resign in case of employed candidates in the event of award of Senior
Research fellowship (SRF).
(vii) Attestations by the proposed Guide/Supervisor and the Head of the Institute at the
space provided in the hard copy of the Application Form

There is no application fee. The subject code in which applied should be clearly and
boldly written on the envelope. Since the application is to be forwarded through proper
channel, it will be advisable to apply well in time.

Applications received after the last date or incomplete applications will be rejected. No interim
correspondence will be entertained. The decision of CSIR on all aspects of selection process will
be final.

Give your correct Email ID which should be clearly written, as all further correspondence
will be through Email. CSIR - HRDG will not be responsible for any communication not
received due to incorrect Email ID.

 Appendix I

SUBJECT CODE (column 2 of Application form)

Medical & Pharmaceutical Sciences MEDIC 11

Biochemistry, Biophysics, Immunology, Microbiology & Physiology of Living

General Biology, Genetics & Molecular Biology GEN BIO 13

Organic Chemical Sciences CHEM 21

Inorganic & Analytical Chemical Sciences CHEM 22

Physical Chemical Sciences CHEM 23

Material Sciences CHEM 24

Earth, Ocean, Environmental, Atmosphere & Planetary Sciences EARTH 31

Aeronautical, Civil, Mechanical, Chemical & Metallurgical Engineering Sciences ENG 41

Agro-Bio, Physico-, Chemico-, Food-, Leather & Textile Technology ENG 42

Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation & Computer Engineering Sciences ENG 43

Mathematical (Mathematics, Operations Research, Statistics) Sciences MATH 51

Astronomy/Astro Physics/Atomic Physics/Molecular Physics PHYS 61

Nuclear Physics/Particle Physics PHYS 62

Solid State Physics/Material Sciences PHYS 63

Applied Physics PHYS 64

Science & Technology Studies STS 71*
(R&D Management & Planning, MIS, Manpower Planning etc.)

Trans Disciplinary Research TDR 81**

* Applicants under this code should read the relevant para E above before filling up the application form.

** Applicants under this code should read the relevant para F above carefully before filling up the application form.

AP PGECET Counseling Scedule 2014 Rank, Branch and Category Wise Colleges List

AP PGECET Counseling dates 2014 is declared for admissions in different affiliated colleges of Andhra Pradesh. PGECET Counseling procedure, rank wise colleges list and different centers for web counseling schedule has been provided here. On 31st May the Osmania University on behalf of APSCHE, Govt of Andhra Pradesh has successfully conducted the AP PGECET 2014. And recently the exam authority had declared its results also. So after declaration of results, what’ next? Its oblivious that AP PGECET Counseling 2014 process.

AP PGECET Counseling dates 2014:

The Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education is going to commence AP PGECET Counseling for admission into various technical engineering courses in August Session. Till now the exam regulatory board has not declared the AP PGECET Counseling dates 2014. But all candidates should be prepared and alerted for attending counseling. Students should collect their proper documents, rank card and hall tickets for upcoming admission process. Web counseling centers and AP PGECET rank wise collages lists has been given below. For more details visit official website –
Official Website:
Category: Web Counseling
Name of Exam: Post Graduate Engineering Common Entrance Test (PGECET)

AP PGECET 2014 Counseling Centers list:

  1. JNTU College of Engineering, Kukatpally, Hyderabad
  2. University College of Engineering (A), Osmania University, Hyderabad-500007
  3. University College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kakatiya University, Warangal
  4. Sri Venkateswara University College o f Engineering, Tirupati
  5. JNTU, College of Engineering, Ananthapur
  6. Andhra University College of Engineering, Visakhapatnam
  7. College of Engineering, Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur.

AP PGECET 2014 Counseling Procedure:

  1. The counseling for PGECET will commence in month of August 2014.
  2. According to PGECET results and rank card candidates will be shortlisted and called for Counseling process.
  3. Then at the Counseling centers 1st candidate’s documents will be verified.
  4. After document verification, seats will be allotted to different affiliated colleges in Andhra.
  5. Then the shortlisted candidates are needed to deposit the admission fees through DD.
Important Dates:

AP PGECET 2014 Counseling Date: In Month Of July/August (Expected)

AP PGECET Results 2014

Get AP PGECET 2014 Rank Card

Important SAT® dates and information for U.S. and international students

You can help your students register for the SAT by providing them with the testing schedule in addition to helping them negotiate the registration process. For students testing outside the U.S., see the applicable international dates and deadlines below.

U.S. registration dates and deadlines for 2014-15

Test DatesTestU.S. Registration Deadlines (Expire at 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time, U.S.A.)
(a fee applies)
October 11, 2014SAT &
Subject Tests
September 12, 2014September 26, 2014
(for mailed registrations)

September 30, 2014
(for registrations made online or by phone)
November 8, 2014SAT &
Subject Tests
October 9, 2014October 24, 2014
(for mailed registrations)

October 28, 2014
(for registrations made online or by phone)
December 6, 2014SAT &
Subject Tests
November 6, 2014November 21, 2014
(for mailed registrations)

November 24, 2014
(for registrations made online or by phone)
January 24, 2015SAT &
Subject Tests
December 29, 2014January 9, 2015
(for mailed registrations)

January 13, 2015
(for registrations made online or by phone)
March 14, 2015SAT onlyFebruary13, 2015February 27, 2015
(for mailed registrations)

March 3, 2015
(for registrations made online or by phone)
May 2, 2015SAT &
Subject Tests
April 6, 2015April 17, 2015
(for mailed registrations)

April 21, 2015
(for registrations made online or by phone) 
June 6, 2015SAT & Subject TestsMay 8, 2015May 22, 2015
(for mailed registrations)

May 27, 2015
(for registrations made online or by phone)

Important information for U.S. registration deadlines

  • U.S. deadlines apply to students testing in the United States and U.S. territories.
  • U.S. registration materials that are mailed must be postmarked by the U.S. deadlines. The deadlines expire at 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time, U.S.A..
  • On March 11, only the SAT is offered.  Note that the March 11 SAT is not available in the following U.S. territories: American Samoa, Guam, or the Northern Mariana Islands.
  • Sunday administrations for students who cannot test on Saturday due to religious observance usually occur the day after each Saturday test date, except for October 19, which has been moved a week later to avoid conflict with a religious holiday.
  • The Language with Listening Tests are offered only in November.

International registration dates and deadlines for 2014-15

Test DatesTestInternational Registration Deadlines (Expire at 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time, U.S.A.)
October 11, 2014SAT &
Subject Tests
September 4, 2014September 12, 2014
November 8, 2014SAT &
Subject Tests
October 2, 2014October 9, 2014
December 6, 2014SAT &
Subject Tests
October 30, 2014November 6, 2014
January 24, 2015SAT &
Subject Tests
December 18, 2014December 29, 2014
May 2, 2015SAT & Subject TestsMarch 26, 2015April 6, 2015
June 6, 2015SAT & Subject TestsApril 30, 2015May 8, 2015

Important information for international registration deadlines

  • International deadlines apply to anyone testing outside of the United States and U.S. territories.
  • International registration materials must be received by the international deadlines. Deadlines expire at 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time, U.S.A..
  • There is no late registration for international testing. Online and telephone registrations must be completed by the international deadline dates listed above.
  • Students registering through International Representatives must submit their paper registration with full payment by the early registration deadline.
  • The SAT is not offered in March outside of the United States and U.S. territories.
  • Sunday administrations for students who cannot test on Saturday due to religous observance usually occur the day after each Satuday test date, except for October 19, which has been moved a week later to avoid conflict with a religious holiday.
  • The Language with Listening Tests are offered only in November.
Be sure your students are aware of restrictions that may apply to them.

Eamcet Counselling Dates, Notification 30th July 2014 Released

Eamcet 2014 Counselling Notification, AP Eamcet Notification pdf Download, Telangana Eamcet Counselling Dates Released

Andhra Pradesh & Telangana State Government has been decided to announce Eamcet Counselling Notification on 30/07/2014. Certificate Verification will be start from 7th August 2014. Eamcet 2014 Counselling Dates Ranks wise OC, BC, SC, ST Category wise candidates should be attend at Eamcet Counselling Center. Lakhs of students are waiting for Admissions into Eamcet "Engineering Stream Counselling" and "Medical Stream Counselling". The Notification will issue by Tomorrow July 30.

Telangana State (TS) and AP State has finalised Eamcet Counselling Dates for Engineering and Medical Streams. Actually the notification would be release in June. According to the officials does not agree to conduct joint counselling in AP & TS. So many meetings are held and talked to higher officials. Finally got a response from TS Chief Minister KCR.

TS, AP Eamcet Web Counselling Dates Rank wise Certificate Verification Details Check at official portal Engineering Counselling Dates / Medical Counselling Dates Check on Eamcet Counselling Notification 2014. The Ranks from 1 to Last Rank Counselling Dates for PH, CAP, NCC, Sports & Games Category details also check from here.

Eamcet 2014 Engineering Counselling Updates Rank Wise Certificate Verification Schedule

Eamcet 2014 Medical Counselling Updates Rank Wise

1 to 10000 Medical Counselling Dates

10000 to 20000 Medical Counselling Dates

20000 to 30000 Medical Counselling Dates

30000 to 40000 Medical Counselling Dates

For More Details - Stay Tune with us

Click Here Eamcet 2014 Counselling for Certificates Check List by All Candidates

Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Top 10 Universities for Medicine in USA

Are you an aspiring medical student willing to attend a medical school in the USA? If so you would have probably heard that it is an extremely difficult task for international students to get admission for a medical school in US. Let us look in to the best strategies to attend a medical school in the USA: Start your research early; thorough research is very important to avoid missed opportunities and potential disappointments. Determine your financial aid policies at your school of interest. Some schools prefer that at least one year of course work in any US school in sciences to admit international students. Consider other programmes like M.D/Ph.D as these are fully funded. Most of the schools follow same admissions standards for both domestic and foreign applicants, although admissions to foreign students are dependent on financing.

Read more at:

How to choose 'your' universities when you prepare to study overseas?

Most Indian students who wish to pursue higher education abroad, dream of joining a university which has been ranked in the Top 15 list. So deep-rooted is this obsession, that anything ranked below the Top 15 is considered a waste of time and money for both students and their parents. 90% of the students who wish to go abroad explicitly state this as their main priority, without taking into consideration certain critical factors. In such a scenario, there is a need for deep and thorough introspection, so that a realistic choice of university for higher education is made well before applying. Before even beginning the process of selecting universities, a student has to realistically evaluate his/her academic achievements, test scores, financial capacities, short-term and long-term career objectives and the competition they are likely to face from other prospective students on a global platform. Admission to the topmost universities is almost 'unthinkable' if even one of the aforementioned factors is not sound, as the crème de la crème from the student community, globally, apply to the limited seats in these prestigious universities. In the last few years, it has been noticed that students from top Indian colleges such as IIT's, who apply for the MS/PhD programs have been regularly facing the trauma of being rejected; whereas 8 to 10 years back, students from similar academic backgrounds easily sailed through and got admitted into these premier universities. This is primarily due to the high level of global competition, as the number of students applying is growing constantly. The most important point is that students have to be realistic while selecting the universities they wish to attend. There are so many students who get dejected because they may not have been selected to any of the universities they had applied to. The reason for this scenario is a complete mismatch between their profiles and their choice of university. In other words, they did not consider applying to universities where they realistically had the maximum chance of admission. There have been many instances where students try to apply to other universities after being rejected by their original choices. It is indeed a nerve-racking and tumultuous phase for both students and their parents, as dreams and careers hang in the balance. These students have invested so much time and effort in planning and applying, that in most cases, they don't even have a job in hand, to fall back on, if the admission doesn't come through. This results in a tragic loss of confidence and depression as well as a setback of potentially bright and prosperous careers. Therefore, a realistic and painstaking approach is definitely required while selecting the potential universities. Family members, friends, neighbours or seniors studying abroad can help in giving valuable advice and feedback which should be welcomed, but in the end 'it is your university list, it is your application, it is your career and it is your choice'. So be rational and reasonable in your short-listing process. The author of this article, Binita Parekh, leads a team of dedicated and highly qualified counsellors and staff at Beyond Boundaries Education Consulting Services which offers advice and guidance to students for successful applications to prestigious academic institutions, enabling them to achieve and bring their dreams to fruition.